On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:53 PM, sethg <sgit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I added acts_as_solr extension for radiant -- I followed the
> directions. I also added the acts_as_solr plgin for rails.
> now when I add a page I get:
> NoMethodError (undefined method `keywords' for #<Page:0x10abcb640>):
>  radiant (0.9.1) app/controllers/admin/resource_controller.rb:64:in
> `create'
>  radiant (0.9.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb:
> 20:in `process'
> Rendered rescues/_trace (231.0ms)
> Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (0.8ms)
> Rendering rescues/layout (internal_server_error)
> Can anyone help me out? i really want to get search working in
> Radiant, otherwise I 'll have to opt for something else.
> When I do localhost:3000/search
> I don't get any results for anything.
> yes -- I started the solr server and can see in my terminal that it is
> working.
> Any help what so ever would be helpful.
> Radiant is perfect for all else.
> thx,
> Seth

It's reporting that "keywords" is not a method on Page.
Do you have any extensions which alter the behavior of Page? Can you verify
that there is a "keywords" column in your pages table in the database?
Have you installed the page_fields extension (which might cause this, I
don't know)?

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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