On 10.09.2010, at 14:03, Anton J Aylward wrote:

> Haselwanter Edmund said the following on 09/10/2010 07:35 AM:
>> you did not answer my questions:
>> what does (on the terminal)
>> $ gem env 
> I did that.
> My thread was about problems with being unable to start after a
> Dreamhost upgrade to 64-bit and a conversion to RedCloth-4.2.3

maybe a 64 / 32 bit problem? I don't know about Dreamhost upgrades. Did you do 
a update or a new install?
If its a update with the same storage you might need to re-install your gems 
(as native extensions are compiled for the platform ...)

>> output look like? 
>> $ gem list
>> output look like? 
>> can you start irb and require something? 
>> $ irb 
>>>> require 'radiant' 
>> => true 
>>>> quit 
> Doesn't that assume radiant-as-a-gem or something?

hm. you are not running of the radiant gem? did you do a app install? why? 
'cause you are on edge?

> I ask because when I run that on sites I have that *do* work I get
> [laney:/home/antonaylward/SystemI]$ irb
> irb(main):001:0> require 'radiant'
> LoadError: no such file to load -- radiant
>        from (irb):2:in `require'
>        from (irb):2
> Lets not forget, however, that this is going to behave very differently
> depending on the context in which I run it.  

sure. I wanted you to check if your user account is set up right (so when you 
install the radiant gem you really get it)
this differs for the user radiant (or better apache with passenger ...) and a 
lot of other stuff, I know

> Why? Because the code that
> makes up radiant redefines Kernel#require.   Go check.  That's what
> 'custom_require' is all about.  That was what the now obsolete but
> rather more obvious 'require_gem' was about.

yes. and with old gem installs you needed to load rubygems before that. I know 

cu edi
DI Edmund Haselwanter, edm...@haselwanter.com, http://edmund.haselwanter.com/
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