Hi Anna,

Thanks for all the advice I found that the problem was with my
actionMailer configuration,

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
          :address => "mail.xxxxx.com ",      <------- There is an
extra space.

After the extra space was removed all worked.


On Sep 10, 3:03 pm, banane <ban...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wrote up a blog post about my own struggles with actionmailer.
> To troubleshoot yours, I'd create an even smaller form. By "not
> working" is it that the form doesn't submit to your redirect page?
> Does the form submit to your model/database? I don't see the
> actionmailer log, so I don't thing it's even being touched.
>  Do you have a mail log you can monitor?
> http://www.banane.com/2009/10/27/radiant-mailer-extension-installatio...
> Sorry if this is too basic- did you check your environment.rb to
> include it as a framework? By default it's removed.
> Anna
> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 7:06 AM, Allan MacGregor <d...@allanmacgregor.com> 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I installed RadiantCMS 9.0, I configured actionMailer and created a
> > example form, now my problem is that the form is not doing anything on
> > submission. Going into the production log I see :
> > Processing MailController#create (for at 2010-09-10
> > 13:53:50) [POST]
> >  Parameters: {"page_id"=>"6", "action"=>"create",
> > "mailer"=>{"company"=>"Allanmacgregor.com", "name"=>"asd",
> > "phone"=>"123123231", "message"=>"sdfsdf",
> > "email"=>"d...@allanmacgregor.com"}, "controller"=>"mail"}
> > Sent mail to i...@allanmacgregor.com
> > Completed in 389ms (View: 1, DB: 7) | 200 OK [http://
> >www.allanmacgregor.com/pages/6/mail]
> > On my environment file I have the following config:
> >        ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
> >          :address => "mail.xxxxx.com ",
> >          :domain => "allanmacgregor.com",
> >          :port => 25,
> >          :user_name => "xxxxx",
> >          :password => "xxxxx",
> >          :authentication => :plain
> >        }
> > My form code is the following:
> > body:
> > <r:mailer:form name='contact'>
> >  <fieldset>
> >    <legend>Enter your Contact information and message</legend>
> >      <label><r:text name='name'/><span>Name</span></label><br>
> >      <label><r:text name='company' /><span>Company</span></label><br>
> >      <label><r:text name='phone' /><span>Phone</span></label><br>
> >      <label><r:text name='email' /><span>Email</span></label><br>
> >      <r:textarea name='message' /><br>
> >      <input type="submit" value="Send">
> >  </fieldset>
> > </r:mailer:form>
> > mailer:
> > subject: "Query Received from Contact Form"
> > redirect_to: /products.html
> > from_field: email
> > recipients:
> >  - i...@allanmacgregor.com
> > email:
> > from: <r:mailer:get name='name'/>, <r:mailer:get name='email'/>
> > message:
> > <r:mailer:get name='message'/>
> > Any help its welcome, I been trying to get this working for days and
> > no luck so far.
> > Cheers

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