On Sep 15, 5:00 am, Sachin <brightsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have deployed radiant app (cloned freshly from github) on heroku
> without using
> gem.
> After a restart or after the app comes out of idle mode, there is
> read-
> only-filesystem-error for one of the css file. On immediate subsequent
> requests the error is not seen. Everything works fine after that.
> # Logfile created on Tue Sep 14 08:39:25 -0700 2010/!\ FAILSAFE /!\
> Tue Sep 14 08:39:29 -0700 2010
>  Status: 500 Internal Server Error
>  Read-only file system - /disk1/home/slugs/287995_8159aab_483e/mnt/
> public/stylesheets/admin/main.css

i'd guess that's because edge (what you get by default when you clone
from github) requires compass which attempts to compile css when the
app starts. try running in production locally and committing the
generated css files to your repo.

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