> So do you think it's possible to add the logic to a middleware object and add 
> the middleware object to the stack? 

Actually... wouldn't that work as long as it was inserted before Rack::Cache? 
Can someone more familiar with the caching layer confirm/deny?

On Oct 21, 2010, at 10:38 PM, Stan Rawrysz wrote:

> So do you think it's possible to add the logic to a middleware object and add 
> the middleware object to the stack? 
> Put something like the following in the extension? 
>   extension_config do |config|
>     config.middleware.use GeoIpRedirect
>   end         
> I'm pretty new to middleware, so I'm not certain that this will get called 
> every time... 
> Stan
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 4:25 PM, swartz <netv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as I understand if there is a cached page already available the
> radian sitecontroller doesn't even get executed. The server spits out
> the generated page.
> If you wish to have code executed everytime for every page access, you
> pretty much have to disable caching.
> If it's only afew specific pages that require this, you want to
> declare your own page type and define the following:
> def cache?
>  false
> end
> On Oct 21, 2:53 pm, Stan Rawrysz <smoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've written an extension that needs to do some processing on every
> > call to a page in the cms. Basically, it checks for a cookie and
> > redirects the user if a certain value is present. I'm running into a
> > problem where that piece of code is not being called after the first
> > call to the app. I believe it's because of caching...
> >
> > When i set cache_timeout to small, it works:
> >    SiteController.cache_timeout = 1.second
> >
> > The extension is a SiteController extension:
> >
> >   def activate
> >     Page.class_eval {
> >       SiteController.send :include,
> > IpRedirect::SiteControllerExt
> >     }
> >   end
> >
> > The controller:
> >
> >   module SiteControllerExt
> >
> >     def self.included(base)
> >       base.class_eval do
> >         base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
> >         before_filter :lookup_preferred_language_and_redirect
> >     end
> >
> >     module InstanceMethods
> >       def lookup_preferred_language_and_redirect
> >           ....
> >       end
> >
> > Is it possible that the before_filter is not called when caching is
> > turned on? Is there a way to make sure
> > that :lookup_preferred_language_and_redirect is called regardless of
> > caching?
> >
> > I'm on 0.8.2 for this one.
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Stan

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