As from my experience - wp is good for any small blog/website/visit card site, 
until you don`t use more than 5-7 plugins, and you don`t have more than ~10-20 
pages. So, if you are sure, that your site will not grow much a next couple of 
years, and still will use the same basic wp functionalty - in such usage wp is 
the best. The admin interface also is very good. I think it is the best for 
small sites and could serve as an role model.

More growing - more problems, and I could`nt recommend that for any real site 
with more than 50 visitors per day for example without serious code refactoring 
for your particular needs. I had some stories from my friends )


On Mon, 29 Nov 2010 22:02:16 +0800
Mohit Sindhwani <> wrote:

> Any opinions about Wordpress versus Radiant?  This issue came up 
> recently in the office and since I'm not familiar with Wordpress much, I 
> thought it would be better to ask if anyone here has an opinion.
> Any comments will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mohit.
> 29/11/2010 | 10:02 PM.

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