I was looking for another devise thread on the ML and I found yours.

Add this to script/generate to load an unpacked gem generators:

gems_path = File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, %w(vendor gems)))
sources << Rails::Generator::PathSource.new(:"gems (vendor/gems)",

I had exactly the same problem.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Mario Aquino <mario.e.aqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am just getting started on a new radiant site.  I generated it via the
> radiant shell command (v0.9.1 gem).  I would like to use devise as the
> authentication mechanism for the site.  I came across a wiki page explaining
> how to do it:
> https://github.com/radiant/radiant/wiki/Using-Devise-as-an-authentication-system-for-Radiant-end-users
> The wiki page calls for following the devise instructions for gem
> installation and then generator usage for creating a custom user model
> (along with other instructions for setup).  My problem is that I can't seem
> to access the devise_install generator (or any other generator that isn't
> included with radiant).  When I run script/generate, I see:
> Installed Generators
>   Builtin: extension, extension_controller, extension_mailer,
> extension_migration, extension_model, instance, language_extension
> None of either the Rails generators or generators provided by gems I have
> installed in my environment are visible to me.  Is there some step I need to
> do to be able to see non-radiant generators?
> Thanks in advance,
> --Mario

Enrico Teotti
IT consultant, accessible web sites and web applications
currently working @ http://www.redant.com.au
Sydney, NSW, Australia
mobile (AU) +00610416748450


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