That seems very odd. How does Radiant know which site you're
requesting? In your examples, the browser wouldn't send an HTTP Host
header which is really the only way to differentiate between site A
and site B at the HTTP level.  Also localhost is just an entry in your
/etc/hosts file (assuming you're on a un*x-based system), which by
default is configured to resolve to Since Radiant only sees
HTTP - both of those requests would appear identical to it.

In my case - Radiant is serving up the default site regardless of what
Host header it sees.

Do I need to make a change somewhere else to add new sites using the
vhost extension?

Interesting that the Site model doesn't contain a hostname field.
Where is the hostname of each site specified?

Site.find_each {|s| p s}
#<Site id: 1, config: {"title"=>"Default"}>
#<Site id: 2, config: {"title"=>"Effective Web Presence"}>

Thanks again!

> It depends on what you've setup.
> I'll often (in development) set one site to be "localhost" and another to 
> "" and another to ""
> All of those point back to your internal webserver and Radiant can answer for 
> 3 different sites.
> Does that help?
> -Jim

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