I am on 0.9.1 and this works perfect for me:

      <r:if_url matches='^/articles/\S+'>
        <r:article_title />

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 7:54 AM, Wes Gamble <we...@att.net> wrote:

>  I would try escaping the '/' character, like so:
> <r:if_url matches="^\/contact">
> Wes
> On 2/21/11 8:12 PM, craayzie wrote:
> Interesting .. will give this a shot but just FYI - I'm using if_url
> in the HEAD section of the layout.
> I'm still curious why it's not matching. I think that's the real
> question.
> And I completely failed to mention that I'm trying to do this in a
> layout. Does the <r:if_url> tag work within layouts?
> Thanks!
> On Feb 21, 4:46 pm, Anton J Aylward <radi...@antonaylward.com> 
> <radi...@antonaylward.com> wrote:
>  craayzie said the following on 02/21/2011 07:22 PM:
> .
>  I'm trying to use if_url to conditionally include jquery on my /
> contact page but it doesn't seem to be working:
>       <r:if_url matches="^/contact">
>       <script type="text/javascript"
> src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js"; 
> <http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js>>
>       </script>
>     </r:if_url>
>   Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
>  I don't know about "doing wrong"
> but I have something that works.
> In my layout I have this
> <head>
>         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
>         .....
>         <r:if_content part="head">
>             <r:content part="head" />
>         </r:if_content>
>         ....
> </head>
> Why do I do this?
> I'm one of those obsessive people who think that script and css belong
> in the <HEAD> and not in the <BODY>
> This lets me set up a page part which means that if any page needs
> special JS or CSS is can have it ... in the <HEAD>
> Now if you were to add in there
>         inherit="true"
> you could put a page-part "head" in the "/contact"
> with the JS and it would apply to everything below it.
> which is what you are trying to achieve.
> And it would not appear in any other pages.
> No need for the <r:if_ur>
> You've localised the scope of the impact and made it much more general,
> something that can be applied and expanded later without the need to
> revise your layout.
> As for the syntax of your <script> .....
> Dunno.  But now, sicne its in the head, it should work sicne it looks
> like all the JS I have in my <HEAD> sections
> --
> Experience teaches only the teachable.
>     Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)

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