Hi all,

some days ago Jim mentioned that a release candidate for radiant-1.0
should be available within the foreseeable future.

I'm about to start two customer sites with radiant (*) and wonder if I
should use radiant-0.9.1 or 1.0 to start from. After all, would it be
wise to use 0.9.x if substantial migration efforts are to be expected?

In particular, I'd like the sheets extension and a paperclipped
equivalent of some sort. (asset manager?)

What do you suggest? Kind regards,


(*) Somewhat OT: I was about to replace radiant in favor of refinery,
because I like the rails3-ish engines approach of it. However, when I
found that there's no online editable layout for pages in refinery and
actually just one layout for the whole site, I changed my plan. Radius
tags are a big plus, and so are multiple layouts.

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