Thanks Will. Very helpful, as always.



On Dec 3, 4:27 am, William Ross <> wrote:
> On 2 Dec 2011, at 21:15, Ross Laird wrote:
> > I'm rebuilding one of my Radiant sites using the latest version, and
> > I've decided to incorporate my JavaScripts into the Design -->
> > Javascripts area rather than load them from a subdirectory. However, I
> > haven't been able to find any documentation about how to do this
> > properly (and, being seemingly one of the few Radiant users who is not
> > a programmer, I need documentation). Do I just place each of the
> > scripts into new JavaScripts pages? And, if I do that, how do I refer
> > to the scripts on the pages? For example, here is some sample code
> > that I currently place in the header snippet:
> > <script src="/js/signup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> > <script type="text/javascript" src="
> > jquery.form-n-validate.js"></script>
> > <script language="javascript" src="/js/jquery.tweet.js" type="text/
> > javascript"></script>
> > <script src="/javascripts/hyphenator/Hyphenator.js" type="text/
> > javascript"></script>
> >  <script type="text/javascript">
> >                Hyphenator.config({
> >                        displaytogglebox : false,
> >                        orphancontrol: 2
> >                });
> >      ;
> >        </script>
> > How do I use scripts like these (and the links to which they point),
> > in the same way as they are currently being used in the header
> > snippet, in the Design --> Javascripts area of the admin interface?
> It's probably much simpler than it looks.
> Scripts that come from elsewhere should be left alone so that the service 
> provider (e.g. mailchimp) can continue to do what they do.
> Scripts that you've downloaded from somewhere (eg. the jquery tweet plugin) 
> can be considered static and left in the filesystem.
> Radiant's javascript-editing mechanism is the right place for scripts that 
> you create or intend to edit. In your example, that may only be the final 
> inline script in which you invoke the hyphenator.
> In that case you'll end up with something like this in your layout:
>     <script src="/javascripts/signup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
>     <script src=""; 
> type="text/javascript"></script>
>     <script src="/javascripts/jquery.tweet.js" 
> type="text/javascript"></script>
>     <script src="/javascripts/hyphenator/Hyphenator.js" 
> type="text/javascript"></script>
>     <r:javascript slug="site.js" as="inline" />
> And a single javascript page called 'site.js' in which you can put this:
>     Hyphenator.config({
>       displaytogglebox : false,
>       orphancontrol: 2
>     });
> The script tags and CDATA wrappers and so on are done for you.
> If you also want to bring the signup.js script into an editable place, the 
> procedure is the same: create a javascript page called signup.js, paste in 
> the javascript code from that file and then change the tag in your layout to 
> this:
> <r:script slug="signup.js" as="link" />
> Note that the javascript machinery will create a path within radiant that 
> matches /js/. It's probably a good idea to move all your static javascript 
> files to /javascripts/ to avoid collisions.
> best,
> Will
> > This seems like such a simple question (probably the answer is just to
> > copy and paste the code), but there may be factors to consider, such
> > as how (and from where) Javascript links are loaded.
> > Is this as simple as it sounds?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Ross

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