Congratulations to the entire team - John (x2), Jim, William ... et al.

Additional congratulations to the rest of us that get to use Radiant on a
daily basis.  My tiny little consultancy wouldn't be what it is without the
software you guys have put together.  Cheers, beers and whiskey to you all.

Thank you!

- Joel

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Jim Gay <> wrote:

> I'm proud to be able to release 1.0:
> Many good things have gone into this long-awaited release. The 1.0
> series will be the last on Rails 2.
> Only minor fixes will go into any further 1.x releases and our effort
> will be focused on Rails 3 and further modularization of Radiant.
> Radiant is a no-fluff content management system made for designers and
> programmers and is ideal for use on small teams. It is similar to
> Movable Type or Textpattern, but is much more than a blogging engine.
> Radiant features:
>   * An elegant user interface
>   * The ability to arrange pages in a hierarchy
>   * Flexible templating with layouts, snippets, page parts, and a
>     custom tagging language (Radius:
>   * A dynamic extension system
>   * A simple user management/permissions system
>   * Support for Markdown and Textile as well as traditional HTML
>     (it's easy to create other filters)
>   * Operates in two modes: dev and production depending on the URL
>   * A caching system which expires pages every 5 minutes
>   * Built using Ruby on Rails (which means that extending Radiant is
>     as easy as any other Rails application)
>   * Licensed under the MIT-License
>   * And much more...
> There's even a live demo over on the project Web site:
> Radiant now runs on Ruby 1.9!
> We now support Bundler and have a default way to manage attachments,
> stylesheets (with support for Sass/SCSS), JS (with support for
> CoffeeScript),
> built-in page preview, and many more features.
> Radiant wouldn't be possible without the help of some fine people. The
> following people have made contributions to this release:
> Jason Taylor                    Johannes Fahrenkrug
> William Ross                    Mark Reginald James
> John Muhl                        Samuel Whited
> Benny Degezelle              Josh French
> Jim Gay                          Oriol Gual
> Wes Gamble                    Michal Cichra
> Michael Stalker                Andrew vonderLuft
> Chris Parrish                    Dirk Kelly
> Jeff Casimir                     vanderhoorn
> John Long                        Mario Visic
> Gert Goet
> The best place to get support is definitely on the Radiant mailing list.
> There's a crowd of people there who have been hanging around for many
> moons now. Newbie questions are welcome! To sign up, go to:
> The Radiant mailing list is also accessible via Ruby forum:
> Enjoy!
> --
> Jim Gay
> for the Radiant CMS Dev Team

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