In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Mike McCauley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Hi David.
| A number of people have asked this recently, so I have taken the liberty of
| replying to the mailing list and added an entry to the faq too.
| Use something like this:
| <Realm whatever>
|       AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
|       <AuthBy SQL>

I implimented this, however I'm finding that only the last AuthBy entry
actually works.  The other queries/inserts the database as normal but
just doesn't send the ACK to the client.

Anyone else seeing this?

Example: A radpwtst command
sending Access-Request...
sending Accounting-Request Start...
No reply
sending Accounting-Request Stop...
No reply

The MySQL database logs show that it is in fact working.  If I reverse the order of 
the two AuthBy then the other one stops responding with ACKs.

I hope this clear enough :-)

Paul Gregg

Email pgregg at |       CLUB24       | Email pgregg at    | 
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The Internet Business Ltd |    Free  Access    | Nyx Public Access Internet |      |  |         |

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