We are working to get Radiator working on several AIX servers. It 
hasn't been difficult to get it to authenticate, but accounting has 
been more iffy. Note that our network is exclusively PortMasters, which 
default to using ports 1645 and 1646. I've configured Radiator to use 
those, to avoid accidents, and it does.

My problem comes when I initially start Radiator. The server has 
previously been running Livingston Radius 2.01. I kill that and start 
up Radiator. Authentication starts working immediately. But accounting 
records get lost. Putting Radiator in Trace 4 mode, it is clear that it 
is not even seeing accounting records. Yet it doesn't seem reasonable 
that the PortMasters should suddenly stop sending them.

I've only tried this twice so far. The first instance started recording 
accounting reliably after some time, maybe an hour or more. The second 
hasn't been running long enough to see if the same result occurs. Both 
of the servers are handling only one NAS thus far and the traffic is 
pretty low.

On the chance that AIX had some problem reallocating a port to a new 
listener, I've also run Radiator with the new port numbers, 1812 and 
1813, and changed the PortMaster. It still did not immediately record 
accounting. I didn't leave that running long enough to know if it would 
have started later.

Here is an extract of the configuration file I'm using.

LogDir /var/adm/radacct
DbDir /etc/raddb
AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646
LivingstonOffs 29
LivingstonHole 2
# Yes, this server is not in the US.
<Client localhost>
  Secret mysecret
  DupInterval 0
  <AuthBy FILE>
  AcctLogFileName  %L/%c/detail
<Client 999.999.999.999>
  Secret nassecret
  NasType Livingston
  SNMPCommunity xxxxxx

I can't afford to lose significant accounting information, particular 
from some sites. Until I can understand what is happening here, I can't 
deploy Radiator to our entire network. Does anybody have a clue as to 
where I should look to solve this problem?
        Dave Close              Quik Internet
        +1 949 548 2171         Costa Mesa California
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://www.quik.com/

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