Mike McCauley wrote:
> ...
> If the file does not exist, it will be created with the default umask of your
> Radiator (typically rw-r--r--).
> There are several ways you can change this behaviour:
> 1. Change the access mode of the file _after_ its been created. Radiator wont
> change the mode after that.

If there is no better way to do it, I may have to do this.  
> 2. Change the umask of the parent Radiator process (usually you would need to
> do this in the parent shaell, or perhaps a login.conf or .profile, deopnding on
> your system)

I changed the mode of radiusd to 500 but it does not work.  I use Debian
Linux 2.1 with Linux kernel 2.0.36.  What changes do you think is
appropriate?  Excuse me for my ignorance in the basic unix knowledge.
> BTW, did you see the reply from Jeremy Hinton about your problem with
> accounting? Did it help?

To check it, I have to shutdown the modems and cut off all currently
connected users.  I cannot check it out at the moment.  The accounting
start/stop records are coming in now after I switched the old Cistron
radius to handle the accounting-on requests.

At the moment, the trouble that I have is that my Bays are sending the
accounting start/stop records 20 to 30 hours late.  It is not only
untimely.  I shall also loss a day or 2's access records if anything
should happen to the Bays.


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