Hi all,

I got the Radiator last week and try to make it work. However, up to
now, I still can't make users to authenticate and get access through the

My system configuration is Ultra 5 under Solaris 2.6. Users
authentication system is using NIS+. I also tried to use Unix
/etc/passwd but the result is the same.

For the Installation, all testcases of Perl and radiators are OK. I
start the Radiator as root. I use the most simple configuration for
testing. Everything looks good but users just don't get access.

If there are anyone with similar system configuration, can you please
send me your configuration file to me for testing. Is there any other
important thing that I have to take care?


Anthony Chan
Sun Professional Services Hong Kong
22/F Shui On Centre,
8 Harbour Road, Wanchai,
Hong Kong

Phone: (852) 2820-0674
Fax  : (852) 2802-8655

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