At the advice of Mike, I have started to put a realm name on the 
end of some of my usernames.  This is being done in the <Client> 
clause.  I have this working correctly where it puts 
"" on the end of any usename appearing from 
that client.  The problem I'm having now is that when this username 
gets recognized by the <Realm> clause, it send the whole 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in to my platypus SQL looking for a 
match.  Naturally, I have not entered the realm name into my 
customers user fields in platypus and it does not find a match.  I'm 
thinking that I need to do another RewriteUsername that will strip 
off the whole realm name once it is received by the <Realm> 
clause before it sends it to my platypus SQL for authentication.

Another issue with adding realm names at the end of each 
username with the <Client> clause, multiple logins cannot be 
enforced between POPs since each POP has it's own realm name. 
 If the same username logs attempts to login to the same POP 
twice, that should work though.  If I could strip off the realm name 
before any <AuthBy> clauses in the realm, this would solve both 
problems I believe.  Since I'm not very good at regular expressions 
in perl, can someone show me how to truncate a username based 
on the '@' ?

John Kicklighter
Internet 2xtreme

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