Ladies & Gentilmen:
I'm trying to do something here that I'm not sure that it could work. I have radiator working just fine here at my ISP and know I what to implement some new functions to him. I'm trying to make radiator send the accounting information to a Data Base (very simple one - Access) via an ODBC driver and still create the accounting log files. bellow is my CONFIG FILE, I know it my be very wierd, but that's why I'm asking for some help. When I run he command line:
c:\> perl radiusd -confi_file=maxntdb.cfg I receive a lot of:
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Identifier=NTSystem' in maxntdb.cfg line 39
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Auth-Type=System' in maxntdb.cfg line 40
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Domain=mydomain' in maxntdb.cfg line 41
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'DomainController=hostname' in maxntdb.cfg line 42
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctLogFileName=%L\%Y%m%d.act' in maxntdb.cfg line 44
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'DBSource=dbi:Acessos:localhost' in maxntdb.cfg line 46
Sat Jul 10 10:28:45 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctColumnDef=TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,formatted-date,to_date('%e' in maxntdb.cfg line 48
Sat Jul 10 10:28:46 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctColumnDef=SessionID,Acct-Session-Id' in maxntdb.cfg line 50
Sat Jul 10 10:28:46 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctColumnDef=TIME_STAMP,Timestamp' in maxntdb.cfg line 51
Sat Jul 10 10:28:46 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctColumnDef=StatusType,Acct-Status-Type' in maxntdb.cfg line 52
Sat Jul 10 10:28:46 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctColumnDef=UserName,User-Name' in maxntdb.cfg line 53
Sat Jul 10 10:28:46 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AcctColumnDef=SessionTime,Acct-Session-Time,integer' in maxntdb.cfg line 54
Sat Jul 10 10:28:46 1999: ERR: Unknown keyword 'AccountingTable=Acessos' in maxntdb.cfg line 56
Sat Jul 10 10:28:47 1999: INFO: Server started
# maxntdb.cfg
Trace           5
AuthPort        1645
AcctPort        1646
LogDir          c:\radiator\malbanet\log
LogFile         %L\%Y%m%d.log
DbDir           C:\winnt\profiles\administrator\personal
DictionaryFile  %D\dictionary.nt
# You will probably want to change this to suit your site.
<Client localhost>
 Secret  mysecret
 DupInterval 0
 Secret  mysecret
 DupInterval 0
 Secret  mysecret
 DupInterval 0
 Secret  mysecret
 DupInterval 0
# Limit all users in this realm to max of 1 session
 MaxSessions     1
 <AuthBy NT>
# Log all accounting into daily log files in LogDir
# Connect to ODBC on localhost
# Heres how you can convert Timestamps into a format that Oracle likes
 AcctColumnDef=TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,formatted-date,to_date('%e %m %Y %H:%M:%S', 'DD MM YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
# AcctColumnDef COLUMN,Attribute[,type][,format]
# Store accounting records in Acessos

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