You'll need to define the remote database in your
tnsnames.ora file, like this:

-- tnsnames.ora --

(replacing values as appropriate)

Then, in your radiusd.cfg, you define an <AuthBy SQL>
clause using the "remote_database" in the connect

-- radiusd.cfg --
         <AuthBy SQL>
             DBSource dbi:Oracle:remote_database
             DBUsername USERNAME
             DBAuth PASSWORD
         <AuthBy SQL>

There's a lot more in the <AuthBy SQL> clause to
make it work.  Look at the docs for more information.

LET ME MENTION that if you do not have the correct
connect string, radiator will dump core every time
it tries to talk to your database.  Double-check
your entries and write some test perl programs using
that connect string!


At 07:41 PM 7/22/99 +0600, you wrote:
>How can i authenticate using oracle on a remote machine?? where should i
>setup the host and port where radiator must serch for oracle?
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