We have Radiator running on both Linux and NT, and authenticate against the Microsoft LDAP server, using the AuthbyLDAP clause. With Radiator on Linux, everything was okay but when we tried it on NT, every authentication request was rejected.
When I looked into the logfile, I noticed there was an extra whitespace at the end of every value. I tried to use AuthbyLDAP2 instead, but the same there. When I changed AuthLDAP.pm on NT a little bit it worked, but this is not a general solution. The code was something like:
#file "AuthLDAP.pm"
sub finduser {
    if ($ent) {
        for (...) {
            my @vals = ldap_get_values($self->{ld}, $ent, $ber);
            chop @vals;
The only thing I added was the "chop @vals;". This is okay on NT, but wrong on Linux.
- Wilbert

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