Jay West schrieb:
> There's a cgi program included in radiator that can be called from a
> webbrowser to see who's currently online, etc. etc.
> Is there any way that this cgi can be run on a different machine than the
> radiator server? I hate mucking up my nice radius servers with web server
> software when I have quite a few perfectly good web servers sitting next to
> them. Is this possible and what (in general terms) is required?
> Thanks in advance!!
> Jay West

I had the same problem.

You have more than one choice:

1.) share the filesystem via nfs between your radius server host
    and your web server host

2.) use a database as backend to radiator

3.) forward all radius ACCOUNTING records with <AuthBy Radius>
    to a second radius server. You have to adjust the AuthByPolicy
    and the NoForwardAuthentication to get what you want. Read the
    doku with this hints carefully and afterwards contact me again
    if there are still problems.

4.) Nr. 3 was my first solution but with Ascend as the NAS you have
    a nice feature called "Call Logging" and this is just a second
    path to radius accounting. I configured my Ascend Box as usual
    for radius authentication and accounting with my radiusd hosts
    and additionally Call Logging to my web host with an additional
    radiator as accounting server running. Thats all and works fine
    for me.


Karl Gaissmaier          Computing Center,University of Ulm,Germany
Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Network Administration
Tel/Fax: ++49 731 50 22499/22471
pgp-key available: http://www.uni-ulm.de/urz/Netzwerk/uuca/keylist.html

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