I'm still completely at a loss as to how to make the plaintext password
supplied in the radius packet available to the module I am hacking for LDAP
authentication. My perl isnt up to spotting how to get the routines
elsewhere in Radiator to work for me and supply this. Please could someone
talk me through it? (slowly and with no long words, for preference!)

I'm running Radiator-2.14 under FreeBSD 3.2-Release with Perl version
5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd.

The relevant part of my config for testing this function is:

        MaxSessions     2
        <AuthBy NEWLDAP>
                Host            xxxxx.mcc.ac.uk
                Port            389
                BaseDN          c=UK
                UsernameAttr    uid
                CheckAttr       checkitems
                ReplyAttr       replyitems
        AcctLogFileName         %L/LDAP-detail.%m%y
        PasswordLogFileName     %L/LDAP-passwd-log.%m%y
        ExcludeFromPasswordLog  xxxxxxxx yyyyyyy        

The relevant portion of my optimistically-named NEWLDAP module is:

sub findUser
        my ($self, $name, $p) = @_;

        return (undef, 1) unless $self->reconnect;
        return (undef, 1) unless $self->anonbind;

        my $user;

        my @attrs;
        push(@attrs, $self->{CheckAttr}) if defined $self->{CheckAttr};
        push(@attrs, $self->{ReplyAttr}) if defined $self->{ReplyAttr};

        my $result = $self->{ld}->search
                (base => $self->{BaseDN},
                scope => 'sub',
                filter => "($self->{UsernameAttr}=$name)",
                attrs => \@attrs);

        if (!$result || $result->code() != LDAP_SUCCESS)
                my $code = $result ? $result->code() : -1;
                my $errname = ldap_error_name($code);
                $self->log($main::LOG_ERR, "ldap search failed with error
                $self->{ld} = undef;
                return (undef, 1);

        my $entry = $result->entry(0);
        if ($entry)
                $user = new Radius::User;

                my $dn = $entry->dn;
                $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "LDAP got result for $dn");

                my ($attr);
                foreach $attr ($entry->attributes())
                        my @vals = $entry->get($attr);
                        $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "LDAP got $attr: @vals");

                        $attr = lc $attr;
                        if ($attr eq lc $self->{CheckAttr})
                                $user->get_check->parse(join ',', @vals);
                        elsif ($attr eq lc $self->{ReplyAttr})
                                $user->get_reply->parse(join ',', @vals);
                $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "No entries for $name found in LDAP 
                return 0;


        # Now we connect and do the login as the user.

        return (undef, 1) unless $self->reconnect;

        # As you can see, for testing, I've hard-coded a password, because
        # trying to extract it directly doesnt seem to work... yet!

        my $password = "monday";

        # The commented out line below doesnt work! 

#       my $password = $self->decode_password($self->{Client}->{Secret});

        my $result = $self->{ld}->bind ( dn => $entry->dn, password => $password);

        if (!$result || $result->code() != LDAP_SUCCESS)
                $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "USER FAILED TO AUTHENTICATE");
                my $code = $result ? $result->code() : -1;
                my $error = ldap_error_name($code);
                $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Error Code: $code\nError Name: $error");
                return 0;
        $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "USER AUTHENTICATED!");
        return $user;

Advice, please?

I want to purchase Radiator (its currently on evaluation), but can't unless
what I'm trying to do is at least possible...



 Mark O'Leary,            | Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110 | Mark O'Leary,
 Network Support Officer, |   Fax: +44 (0161) 2756040 | Deputy Warden,
 Manchester Computing, UK | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Moberly Hall, UoM.

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