On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 06:37:29PM +0200, Rajesh Khator wrote:
> Hi all
> I am using AUTHBYSQL.
> How can I check the expiration date while authenticating a user.
> I tried adding the AuthColumnDef but didn't worked.Could u tell the details

You'd use the AuthSelect and make your own SQL statement. For example, if you
have a column that indicates whether a user is active (A) or disabled (D):

AuthSelect select PASSWORD from SUBSCRIBERS\
        where USERNAME='%n' and STATUS = 'A';

You can do other stuff using the special formatting characters:

AuthSelect select PASSWORD from SUBSCRIBERS\
        where USERNAME='%n'\
        ACCTSTARTDATE < %b and ACCTENDDATE > %b;

(user can login as long as the current timestamp (%b) is greater than the
account start date and less than the account end date - and their password
matches of course).


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