Hello Christopher -

On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, Christopher Andersson wrote:
> >%_Good day,
> OK, Hooking:


> My PostAuthHook runs 3 times every time I run radpwtst. I.e. the lines
>    my $username = ${$_[0]}->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::USER_NAME);
>    print "$username\n";
> produces username 3 times on the screen.
> I assume once after authentication request, once after accounting
> start and once after accounting stop. Is this correct?

Yes, by default radpwtst will send three requests as above.

> I was also wondering, if I want to perform some action when accounting
> starts for a user, and some other when accounting stops, how would
> I do this?
> Can I somehow figure out of what type the current package is?

Yes, you can do this with Handler's:

<Handler Acct-Status-Type = Start>

<Handler Acct-Status-Type = Stop>

There may be a better way to do this depending on your exact requirements. We
can discuss this further if you wish.

> Another question I have is about the word USER_NAME above. I've figured
> out some more, like REPLY_MESSAGE and FRAMED_IP_NETMASK..etc.
> Where can I find a complete dictionary of things to use?

Have a look in the dictionary file for the list of attributes, and in
Radius/Radius.pm for the list of constants defined as above.

> And finally:
> The line:
>   AcctColumnDef TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
> doesn't make anything get inserted in my mySQL database. The TIME_STAMP
> column is of type datetime and everything!
> Somebody?

You must also specify AccountingTable in your configuration file if the table
is something other than the default "ACCOUNTING":

<Handler ....>
        <AuthBy SQL>
                DBSource ....
                DBUsername ....
                DBAuth ....
                AccountingTable SOMEOTHERTABLE
                AcctColumnDef ....

You can verify what is going on by running radiusd with trace level 4 to see
what is happening:

radiusd -config_file ..... -trace 4

let me know how you get on



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