We have also seen extreme memory leaks in 2.14.1.  We backed off to 2.13 and have
not had problems.  I doubt it is Perl, unless 2.14 is using some parts of Perl that
Radiator 2.13 is not.  I find it hard to understand how a Perl program has memory
leaks - Perl should do automatic Garbage collection.


Vadim Gashibayazov wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Volker Klau wrote:
> > Help!
> >
> > we are running in problems here, using version 2.14.1 under Linux.
> > ( 2.0.36
> >   perl 5.004_05
> >   Oracle 8.0.5 )
> >
> > radiusd grows about 100 megabytes per day.
> >
> > Looks like a memory leak in handling accounting requests,
> > because a daemon on another machine, doing the authenication most of the time
> > grows not as fast???
> >
> >
> > Thanx in advance for any help,
> >
> >   Volker
> I've a similar problem using AuthEXTERNAL.pm
> It was a leak during open2 in Perl's IPC.
> I've wrote about that half year ago and as I can see there is no
> solution yet :/
> Cheers!
> --
> Vadim Gashibayazov     (VG3-RIPE)
> ===
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