Dear Fellow Radiator Users,

I am in the process of getting Radiator (running on RedHat 6.1 Unix) to
authenticate off of our Platypus server (running on an NT 4.0 box).  I
followed the instructions on under the FAQ #13 and have
downloaded OpenLink's software.  After installation I am able to use
OpenLinks odbctest software on the Unix box to connect the NT server so
I know everything seems to be configuered properly and running.

My question is what do I use in my .cfg file ?  Right now I have <AuthBy
Emerald> with the following;

        <Authby Emerald>
                DBSource        dbi:ODBC:Platypus
                DBUsername      username
                DBAuth          password

Were Platypus is the DSN name on the Unix server.  Again the command;

        ./odbctest DSN=Platypus

does work and connects to the Platypus SQL server.  But if I try and use
radpwtst I get the "No Reply" message for Access-Request, and both Start
and Stop Accounting requests.

I can only assume I need to use something different in the DBSource.
Any help, hints, tips, pointers, etc would be greatly appreciated.

Todd Knaus
CISNet, Inc

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