Hello Hugh,

> The only reason for ghost records in RADONLINE is missing Stop records. In
> other words, you got a Start for a session and either never got a Stop (it got
> lost) or the NAS never sent one. Generally the NAS will keep resending radius
> packets until it gets a response or gives up (this is configurable in the NAS).
> You could try a tcpdump or equivalent packet sniffer to verify whether the
> packets are on the wire - if they are you should try to find out why they
> aren't getting to Radiator (or aren't getting processed if they are). If the
> packets aren't on the wire, you will have to find out why the NAS is not
> sending them.

this is also my initial understanding.  but strange as it may seem,
i'm actually getting stop records for those ghost sessions left in my
RADONLINE.  most of the Acct-Terminate-Cause i'm seeing in conjuction
with the ghost session records are "User-Request".

can this by chance caused by network traffic?  is there another reason
for this weird behaviour that you can think of?

thanks again.

darwin a. bawasanta  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pgp-id: 0x367CADAC
SKYinternet incorporated philippines    http://www.skyinet.net
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