I have a problem where my radiator stops responding sometimes a 
few times a day (at least every few days).  Luckily, I have a backup 
radius and a paging program that calls me when this happens, but 
it is still annoying.  When I attempt to start my radiator back up, I 
run my shell script that kills any currently running copies and 
starts a fresh one.  The fresh one comes up and indicates that it 
could not bind to the port.  I then run:
ps auwwx | grep telnet

and find the telnet session to my 3com modem bank that is 
hanging around and kill that pid.  After that, radiator can get going 
normally again.  I suspect that pmwho is checking the double 
logins and happened to grab port 1645 to make that connection to 
the modem bank.  Has anyone else had something like this?  I'm 
going to take out all the "NasType" listings in the config file and 
see if that helps.  I'd still like to fix it for good though.

John Kicklighter
Internet 2xtreme

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