Hi Phil -

On Sat, 08 Jan 2000, Phil Freed wrote:
> Hmm..  Let's try this again.  I apologize for repeating all of the
> detail here....
> > >   #<Handler NAS-Address-Port-List=%D/ports.isdn,Chassis-Call-Slot=6>
> > >   <Handler Client-Id=,Chassis-Call-Slot=6>
> > >   <Handler Client-Id=>
> > > 
> > > The first item is commented out because it kills radius 
> > > with the message
> > >  Can't call method "log" on unblessed reference at 
> > > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Radius/AuthGeneric.pm line 644.
> > > 
> > 
> > You will not be able to use the NAS-Address-Port-List=%D/ports.isdn construct,
> > as Radiator expects to do a one-to-one match on the attribute in the packet and
> > whatever you specify on the right side of the "=".
> Then I'm afraid I misunderstood the documentation.  It seems to
> indicate that this is a valid check item, and that handlers can
> therefore use it.  Here are the salient bits:
> From 6.13 <Handler attribute=value,attribute=value, ....>
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>     In <Handler checklist >, the checklist expression is a list of
>     request attributes that must all match before this Handler will
>     be used to handle the request. The format is exactly the same as
>     a list of check items in a user file: a list of attribute=value
>     pairs, separated by commas. See Section 13.1 for a description of
>     all the check items you can use. 
> From 13.1 Check items
> ---------------------
>     13.1.14 NAS-Address-Port-List 
>     Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of permitted
>     NAS address/port combinations. See Section 15.7 for the Portlist
>     file format.
>      : : :

**SIGH** - I hate it when I don't read my own documentation - sorry.

> > It shouldn'd kill Radiator though - I'll look at it a bit later.
> Sounds good.

> > You also can't specify two Handler clauses one after the other as you have
> > showon above. Handlers must be complete clauses, like this:
> > 
> > <Handler ....>
> >     <AuthBy ....
> >             ....
> >     </AuthBy>
> > </Handler>
> I know that....  A little further down in the document I showed the
> full text of those clauses.  I had thought it would be clearer if I
> first showed a summary of the Handler check-items that I'd tried. 
> (Obviusly, I was mistaken).  Incidentally, I only intend to have one
> handler for this; I have currently have several in a row just to show
> what Radiator does with each of them.
> > Also - what version of Radiator are you running and what
> > dictionary? My standard dictionary for Radiator 2.14.1 shows the
> > following: 
> > 
> >     VENDORATTR  429 USR-Chassis-Call-Slot   36889   integer  
> > 
> > In other words, Chassis-Call-Slot does not exist and this will
> > certainly cause problems in your Handler. 
> Both the 14.1 release and the 14.1 patch versions of dictionary.usr
> define Chassis-Call-Slot in favor of USR-Chassis-Call-Slot.  But even if it weren't 
>standard, it *is* being printed in my log file by Radiator (as you see below), so it 
>would have to exist in my 
> dictionary.

Yes - that is why I mentioned the standard dictionary above.

thanks for identifying the NAS-Address-Port-List problem 



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