hi hugh

sorry about previous mail in HTML format. I have attached text file with
this mail.
pls see it and let me know

hi hugh

I'm connecting MSSQL fron BSDI box to authentication and accounting from SQL database. 
Here I need to run a stored procedure (say this procedure update CHECKATTR column from 
SUBSCRIBERS table) before it comes to authenticate a particular user. When I try to do 
as follows it will reject the authentication but radpwtst shows accounting is okay.
pls advice me how to do this and which side do I have to run this unix side or NT 


       <AuthBy SQL>
        DBSource        dbi:FreeTDS:database=icarddb;host=xxx.xx.xxx.xx;port=1433
        DBUsername      xxxxx
        DBAuth          xxxxx
        AuthSelect execute proc_rupee %n
        AuthSelect select PASSWORD, \
#       ('Session-Timeout = ' + CAST((RUPEEVALUE * 30) AS char(200))), \
#       REPLYATTR \ 
        from SUBSCRIBERS \
                where USERNAME='%n'
        AuthColumnDef 0, User-Password, check
        AuthColumnDef 1, GENERIC, check
        AuthColumnDef 2, GENERIC, reply    


S.K.D. Lakmin Premnath.
(Systems Engineer)
Lanka Internet Services Limited.
( http://www.lanka.net )
Network Operating Center
No, 156 1/1 Walukarama Road,
Colombo 3,
Sri Lanka.
Tel : +94 1 565071
Fax : +94 75 335637


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