I don't believe that Radiator yet supports user defined variables (or
macros, well). Has someone already done that ? Would the Radiator team
include this in future distributions ?

The syntax could be like :

 - on the command line: -D macro=value -D macro=value
 - in the config file: define macro value
 - for the substitution : %{Zmacro}.

The reason ? I have several Radiator servers who use nearly the same
(long) configuration file and I would like to add some dynamic
stuff like :

Pidfile /var/run/radiusd-%{Zldap}.pid
<Realm one-of-many>
        <AuthBy LDAP2>
                Host    %{Zldap}.oleane.net

and invoque Radiator as
        radiusd -bind_address -config_file same-file -D ldap=ldap1
        radiusd -bind_address -config_file same-file -D ldap=ldap2

Christophe Wolfhugel  -+-  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -+-  France Telecom Oleane

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