Hello Rakesh,

Radiator 2.15 supports a new check items Cleint-Id and NasType. Using them, you
could set up Handlers for each type of NAS, or for each individual Client.

Handlers also allow you to specifiy the Realm as a regexp.

Therefore, you could set up a handler something like:

<Handler NasType=Livingston Realm=/ending.com$/>
        <AuthBy xxx>
                AddToReply  reply-items-suitable-for-a-livingston

Hope that helps.


On Feb 24, 12:33pm, Rakesh Patel wrote:
> Subject: (RADIATOR) Best mechanism for client -> Realm mappings?
> I am looking for some advice - my goal is to have users with separate
> permissions for different clients based upon client name. I am using AuthBy
> (kerberos) for password authentication, and requiring AuthBy File for
> which users are valid and defining their return attributes.
> I was considering using mulitiple realms which are defined by the client
> with each realm using a different users file and all realms using AuthBy PAM
> password authentication.
> I was hoping to be able to easily specify the realm through some form of
> expression (domain name). Since the <Client> identifier doesn't support
> expressions, how are others handling this type of situation? Seems that
> all the IP addresses gets a bit tedious when you have even a few clients.
> Is there a way to use a single realm and do something equivalent in concept
> the following?
>       <AuthBy File>
>               if (%C =~ /domain/ ) {
>                       Filename users.foo
>               }
>               if (%C =~ /domain2/ ) {
>                       Filename users.bar
>               }
>       </AuthBy File>
> Does anyone have suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rakesh Patel.
> ===
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>-- End of excerpt from Rakesh Patel

Mike McCauley                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
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