Hello Mike,

I would like to report a problem with LDAP and Radiator v2.14.1.

Short history:
After having a problem with Realm statements in the Handler tag with
Radiator v2.13 (excerpt from radius.cfg follows) we tried to use the latest
available Radiator version (v2.14.1).

------ snip ------
<Handler User-Name = /^router1/,Realm=routerxyz>
        AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept

------ snap -----

Of course, the username was  "router1@routerxyz" but it was not detected by
this Handler!

After switching to the new version the handler tag worked fine but we run
into a serious new problem! We are using LDAP authentication. After reading
60 configurations Radiator v2.14.1 stopped to reply to further requests!
There is no such behaviour in version 2.13. With this restriction the latest
version cannot be used in our production environment.

Do you have any ideas/suggestions on that?

Best regards
Lars Burchert           IT-Consultant
Electronic Commerce     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Syntegra GmbH (Germany) Phone: 49+69+6305 553
Stresemannallee 30      Fax  : 49+69+6305 484
60596 Frankfurt/M.      Web  : http://www.de.syntegra.com

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