Hi All,

I got this to work yesterday and have shared it with Mark and he seems to
have gotten it to work too, so I thought to share it with you all. I know
for a fact that the handling of h323 VSAs for the Cisco access servers is
not supported by many Radius servers, including Livingston and CAR (Cisco
!), so this maybe a good feature for Radiator developers to look into. Cisco
says Merit already supports it.

Anyway, aside from the dictionary, you will have to tweak the h323 AV pair
you gave the Cisco VoIP server. As an example, if you define a user in a
flat file the reply items should look like this:

1234    User-Password = "567899"
        h323-credit-amount = "h323-credit-amount=123.45"
        h323-credit-time = "h323-credit-time=900"

basically the ascii value that you send back has to be prepended with the
attribute so in the perspective of radiator it sends back attribute =
"attribute=value". but the 5300 will be able to recognize this...as long as
it's the correct h323 attribute prepended.

so far this is the only value the Router/IVR will recognize. And according
to Cisco it isnt going to change soon ("It's a feature, not a bug"). In any
case it worked and the IVR was able to break down those values into
appropriate audio prompts...

Hope this helps some of you in you IVR implementations...


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Matthew Nichols
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Cisco As5300 and VOIP and Debit card

Make sure these are in your dictionary

VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-remote-address       23
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-conf-id      24      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-setup-time   25      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-call-origin  26      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-call-type    27      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-connect-time 28      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-disconnect-time      29
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-disconnect-cause     30
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-voice-quality        31
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-ivr-out      32      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-gw-id        33      string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-call-treatment       34
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-ivr-in       100     string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-credit-amount        101
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-credit-time  102     string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-return-code  103     string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-prompt-id    104     string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-time-and-day 105     string
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-redirect-number      106
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-preferred-lang       107
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-redirect-ip-addr     108
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-billing-model        109
VENDORATTR      9               cisco-h323-currency-type        110



At 03:43 PM 7/03/00 +1300, you wrote:
>Has anyone used Radiator to send back the credit amount and credit time and
>return code in vsa's for the Cisco debit card platform ? We use an As5300
>and are currently authing using radiator 2.15. The Cisco radius debug says
>the pair is an invalid format for type 26, 26 referring to vendor specof
>attribute I presume.
>We send and have defined in our dictionary :
>vendorattr 9 Credit_Amount 101 string
>Radius handles it OK, the AS5300 does not.
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Matthew Nichols - Network/Systems Engineer
HunterLink  Pty Ltd
Newcastle NSW Australia
Phone: +61 2 4969 0122 Fax: +61 2 4969 0133
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