Hello Andrew:

On Apr 4,  6:46pm, Andrew Pollock wrote:
> Subject: (RADIATOR) Manipulating the contents of a RADIUS packet
> Hi guys,
> I have a requirement where I essentially need to:
> Copy NAS-IP-Address into NAS-Identifier and prepend a string to it before
> proxying this off to another RADIUS server. I realise I can assign a static
> value into NAS-Identifier by using AddToRequest, but can I do the string
> manipulation required with Radiator as it stands?

Yes, using a PreAuthHook, something like (untested):

PreAuthHook sub {my $nipa = ${$_[0]}->get_attr('NAS-IP-Address');\
        ${$_[0]}->add_attr('NAS-Identifier', "somthing$nipa");}

Hope that helps.


> Thanks
> Andrew
> ===
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