Euhm, you're right. We're still using 2.11 in production and this is the
logfile from the 2.11 server. We'll be upgrading soon. Anyway, problem

thanx, Joost.

Mike McCauley wrote:
> Hello Joost,
> On Apr 3, 10:58am, Joost Stegeman wrote:
> > Subject: (RADIATOR) error in dictionary?
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Could it be that the new dictionary included in the 2.15 release
> > contains an error on line 38 (see below)? I changed type binary to
> > abinary but that resulted in strange errors (see logfile excerpt below).
> > I then changed the type to integer which in our case is right (should be
> > string according to standards, but we use Ascend/Alcatel SMC).
> > Mike, could you check the workings of the abinary type? I haven't had a
> > look at the code yet, but this seems strange.
> binary is the correct data type for Proxy-State, and its been in Radiator for
> quite a few versions.. abinary is for Ascend filters. I am surprised by the
> error you are seeing. It makes me think there is a problem with your Radiator
> installation, such that its seeing an from a very old version.
> Otherwise there may be some unprintable character?
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers.
> >
> > - Joost.
> >
> > dictionary line 38:
> > ATTRIBUTE       Proxy-State             33      binary
> >
> > logfile:
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:23 2000: NOTICE: SIGHUP received: restarting
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:24 2000: ERR: Bad format in dictionary
> > '/opt/APPradius/etc/dictionary' at line 38
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:24 2000: INFO: Server started
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:30 2000: ERR: Attribute number 33 (vendor ) is not
> > defined in your dictionary
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:44 2000: ERR: Attribute number 33 (vendor ) is not
> > defined in your dictionary
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:46 2000: ERR: Attribute number 33 (vendor ) is not
> > defined in your dictionary
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:46 2000: ERR: Attribute number 33 (vendor ) is not
> > defined in your dictionary
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:51 2000: NOTICE: SIGHUP received: restarting
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:52 2000: INFO: Server started
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:55 2000: INFO: Radius::AuthKPNLDAP: Authentication
> > failed for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Mon Apr  3 12:46:55 2000: WARNING: Could not parse Proxy-State: generic
> > out drop    ==
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:03 2000: WARNING: Could not parse Proxy-State: generic
> > out drop    ==
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:10 2000: INFO: Radius::AuthKPNLDAP: Authentication
> > failed for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:10 2000: WARNING: Could not parse Proxy-State: generic
> > out drop    ==
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:17 2000: WARNING: Could not parse Proxy-State: generic
> > out drop    ==
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:36 2000: WARNING: Could not parse Proxy-State: generic
> > out drop    ==
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:38 2000: WARNING: Could not parse Proxy-State: generic
> > out drop    ==
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:39 2000: NOTICE: SIGHUP received: restarting
> > Mon Apr  3 12:47:39 2000: INFO: Server started
> >
> >
> > - Joost.
> > --
> > ================================================
> >    Joost Stegeman
> >    Service Developer Integration Services
> >    KPN
> >    OVN BBT/IP Integration Services
> >    tel.  070 - 371 37 83
> >    fax.  070 - 371 26 38
> >    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ================================================
> >
> > ===
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> >-- End of excerpt from Joost Stegeman
> --
> Mike McCauley                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
> 24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia
> Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955
> Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
> anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
> Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, etc etc on Unix, Win95/8,
> 2000, NT, MacOS X

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