Hello Froilan,

On Apr 5, 12:14pm, Froilan Mendoza wrote:
> Subject: (RADIATOR) assigning fixed ip
> Hello.
> How can one assign a specific IP address to a specific username.  I
> already did this to ther users file:
> username Password="mypass"
>       Framed-Protocol = PPP,
>       Framed-IP-Address =

Thats the correct way to configure Radaitor for a static IP, but your NAS
probably needs to be configured to accept the address too, instead of
allocating from a pool. If you can say what sort of NAs you have, perhaps
soneone else can tell you how to configure it?


> ...
> ...
> I still however can't get this IP when trying to dialup
> Sincerely,
> Froilan C. Mendoza
> Manager - Systems Management
> Tridel Technologies, Inc.
> http://www.tridel.net
> ===
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>-- End of excerpt from Froilan Mendoza

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