Hugh wrote...
> I would be inclined to put a UDP redirector in front of your Radiator
hosts to
> transparently handle any number of hosts at a single IP address.

No problem, basically the cisco can do this - on later releases of IOS you
can specify load balancing between multiple radius hosts.

>Then I would
> put my SQL database on a dual-port RAID box and have both servers access
> same database. I would also have a single session database for multiple
> restriction.

This is a major no-no for high availability. It's a glaring single point of
failure. We're hard over on not having any single points of failure,
especially with our authentication services. It's true that having a single
sql box with two separate dual channel controller cards going to drives that
mirror from one controller to the other is a good thing. But there are more
frequent problems that can be encountered than disk/controller failures.
Someone pulls an ethernet cable. The video card or motherboard dies causing
the system to die, the OS crashes, etc. There just has to be a better way of
handling the back end.

> And no, there are no problems with multiple radiator machines querying a
> database.

What I meant by that last question was slightly different. Here's what I was
thinking. Set the cisco to do round-robbin between the two different radius
servers - thus load balancing. Each subsequent aaa request would go to the
other radius server. Both radius servers would be configured to try one sql
database (on sql machine1) and then another sql database (on sql machine2).
This would be accomplished I believe in the radius config file. I seem to
recall seeing that the radius config file can contain multiple authbySQL's
(or in my case multiple authbyRADMIN's) for a single realm and thus radius
would try one and then the next. If it didn't get a response from one, it
would start using the other one until it didn't get a response from that one
and then would move back to the first. At least, I seem to remember it being
documented that way - I haven't tried it. This would seem to solve all my
problems except I have two concerns. First, would it not be possible that
one of the sql machines might go down, and one of the radius servers sees it
so it switches to the other sql machine. Then say the failed sql machine was
only down a split second and came back up before the next radius server
tried to authenticate. Then you would have each radius machine talking to
two different sql servers. This isn't that bad except for two items - I
suspect your "users online" database would be messed up, and if you were
trying to do simultaneous login checking it would be REALLY messed up. There
are other scenarios I can think of that would cause the two radius machines
to each be looking at a different sql server.

I can't seem to get my head around this problem - but there just has to be a
way.... :) Any advice is most appreciated!

Jay West

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