Hello Jeremy -

On Thu, 01 Jun 2000, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> On Wed, 31 May 2000, Hugh Irvine wrote:
> > On Wed, 31 May 2000, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> > > I want to add attributes if it comes from a certain client. So I added an
> > > 
> > >   Identifier web
> > > to my testing clients (in the <Client> containers).
> > > 
> > > My test config has:
> > > 
> > > DefineGlobalVar ProfileDefsFilename %D/etc/profile.def
> > > StartupHook file:"%D/hooks/getProfiles"
> > > 
> > > and:
> > > 
> > > <Realm iwbc>
> > >   AcctLogFileName /usr/adm/radacct/%C/detail
> > >   <AuthBy FILE>
> > >     Filename %D/users/iwbc.users
> > >     DefaultReply Service-Type=Framed,Framed-Protocol=PPP,\
> > >                  Framed-IP-Netmask=,Framed-Routing=None,\
> > >                  Framed-Compression=Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,Framed-MTU=1500
> > >     PostAuthHook file:"%D/hooks/replaceProfiles"
> > >   </AuthBy>
> > > </Realm>
> > > 
> > > 
> > > My etc/profile.def contains:
> > > 
> > > Tigris:web:ACC-Ip-Pool-Name="spiretech",ACC-DNS-Server-Pri=,ACC-DNS-
> > > Server-Sec=
> > > 
> > > I can't seem to figure out how to get replaceProfiles to work. I want
> > > these attributes added:
> > > 
> I didn't explain myself very well. "web" is the name of the client that I
> am using for testing (it is not a NAS but a webserver running
> radpwtst). Tigris was just a made-up profile name -- because I didn't
> understand what it meant. When I have it working, "Tigris" will also be
> the Identifier.
> > with the user record containing Profile = web (as a web-only user?) and the
> > Client Identifer set to Tigris (ie. these are the attributes that we have to
> > set for a Tigris NAS).
> So I added this "Profile" to my user record. But what if I want it to
> apply to all users (and all realms)? Do I have to add it to every user
> record?
> Now I am noticing an error message:
> Wed May 31 10:12:43 2000: ERR: Unknown keyword '%D/hooks/replaceProfiles'
> in /usr/local/radiator/etc/radiator.cfg line 5408
> Then when I changed (the realm container as shown above) to not have
> quotes:
>       PostAuthHook file:%D/hooks/replaceProfiles
> I receive this error instead:
> Wed May 31 10:14:09 2000: ERR: Unknown keyword 'PostAuthHook' in
> /usr/local/radiator/etc/radiator.cfg line 5408
> (I turned up the debugging to 4, but no additional messages about the
> above error. It did report the debugging message for
> setVariable in the getProfiles message.)
> Any ideas?

Well, I actually think that using a different approach might be simpler, as the
getProfile/replaceProfile is really aimed at a specific requirement where the
users do have service-type profiles.

In your case I would be inclined to add a default realm in the Client in
question and then use a <Realm ....> clause with AddToReply (or a Handler in
the same way).

Something like this:

<Client your.web.server>
        Secret .....
        DefaultRealm web.iwbc

<Realm web.iwbc>



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