Hi all,

I just upgraded to 2.16.1 (all patches applied) from 2.14.1 on a test
machine running Linux.  I'm using DBD-Sybase-0.22 and the latest freeTDS
snapshot.  Everything works fine, but I'm still using realms and have seen a
lot on the list lately regarding handlers.  Would there be any advantage to
using handlers instead? Radius.cfg is included below.



My radius.cfg

Trace           3
LogDir          /root/Radiator-2.16.1
LogFile         %L/radiator.log
DbDir           /root/Radiator-2.16.1
AuthPort        1812
AcctPort        1813

<Client DEFAULT>
        Secret  shhhhhh
        DupInterval 30

        PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
        RewriteUsername tr/A-Za-z0-9\-//cd

        <AuthBy PLATYPUS>
                DBSource        dbi:Sybase:server=some.big.server
                DBUsername     xxxxx
                DBAuth          xxxxx

                # You can add to or change these if you want.
                AccountingTable Calls
                AcctColumnDef   UserName,User-Name
                AcctColumnDef   CallDate,Timestamp,integer-date
                AcctColumnDef   AcctStatusType,Acct-Status-Type,integer
                AcctColumnDef   AcctDelayTime,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
                AcctColumnDef   AcctInputOctets,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
                AcctColumnDef   AcctOutputOctets,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
                AcctColumnDef   AcctSessionId,Acct-Session-Id
                AcctColumnDef   AcctSessionTime,Acct-Session-Time,integer
                AcctColumnDef   NASIdentifier,NAS-Identifier
                AcctColumnDef   NASIdentifier,NAS-IP-Address
                AcctColumnDef   NASPort,NAS-Port,integer
                AcctColumnDef   NASPortType,NAS-Port-Type,integer
                AcctColumnDef   FramedAddress,Framed-IP-Address
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename /path/Radiator-2.16.1/users
        AddToReplyIfNotExist Port-Limit=1

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