I believe there is a bug in handle_request in AuthGeneric.pm :

        if (defined $self->{RejectEmptyPassword}
            && $p->decodedPassword() eq '')
            $self->log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "$type rejected $user_name because of a
n empty password");
            return ($main::REJECT, 'Empty password');

The function decodedPassword will return '' in the case of a CHAP-Password
attribute. This is particularly true when using AuthLDAP2 because in its
initialization it forces the value of RejectEmptyPassword to 1.

My current workaround is to comment $self->{RejectEmptyPassword} = 1 out
in AuthLDAP2.pm, but I'm sure that the real solution should be in the
AuthGeneric.pm test.

Christophe Wolfhugel  -+-  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -+-  France Telecom Oleane

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