On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 09:53:11AM +1100, Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Carlos -
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Carlos Canau wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >     howto to log the auth  failure or auth accepted into a logfile
> > or syslog ? And howto log a line for each ACCT packet received ?
> > 
> At the moment your only option is to use the Trace option in the configuration
> file, and you will need to use Trace 4 to get all packets logged. Note that
> this is not a good option in a production environment due to the large amount
> of overhead involved.
> One of the things on our to-do list is to improve the logging facilities in
> Radiator, but in the meantime your only alternative is to modify the code to
> log the things you require.

        I've done that.  I've  inserted a new keyword, LogSentPackets,
that can go on the global config or on the Handler/Realm scope.
        It  can have  the values  'Answers' for  answer  packets sent,
'Requests' for request packets sent and anything else for both.

        It will log into LOG_INFO the following:

Thu Sep 28 15:48:14 2000: INFO: Server started: Radiator 2.16.3 on my_server
Thu Sep 28 15:48:19 2000: INFO: Access Request sent to for 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 50
Thu Sep 28 15:48:19 2000: INFO: AUTH SUCCEDED for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 50
Thu Sep 28 15:48:19 2000: INFO: Accounting Request sent to for 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 50
Thu Sep 28 15:48:19 2000: INFO: ACCT for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 
50 , ID 00001234 , IP , type Start
Thu Sep 28 15:48:19 2000: INFO: Accounting Request sent to for 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 50
Thu Sep 28 15:48:19 2000: INFO: ACCT for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 
50 , ID 00001234 , IP , type Stop
Thu Sep 28 15:55:57 2000: INFO: Access Request sent to for 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 50
Thu Sep 28 15:55:57 2000: INFO: AUTH FAILED for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from port 50: Authentication failure

        - Lines with  AUTH or ACCT  are Answers to Client,  lines with
Request sent are Requests sent to remote Radius.
        - is the remote Radius
        - is the NAS
        - is the Framed-IP-Address (note that this was
generated with radpwtst)

        I took the  inspiration for the log messages  from the logfile
of Merit Radius.

        Trace must be at 3 in the Log stream (like <Log SYSLOG>).

        If someone wants the patches against 2.16.3, just ask.

        Hugh, will  you have something  like this or better  in future
versions ??
        Kind regards,

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