Hi all
    I am running radiator, with 3com Total control Netservers. One of these
netservers is giving me a strange problem: in the authentication, in the
password log I get something like this

hu Oct 26 13:32:41 2000:972563561:miknik:UNKNOWN:nimo:PASS
Thu Oct 26 13:32:43 2000:972563563:linkage:UNKNOWN:linkageass:PASS
Thu Oct 26 13:32:43 2000:972563563:lionbank:UNKNOWN:lion:PASS

When I should get

Thu Oct 26 13:37:07 2000:972563827:workaids:pullo:pullo:PASS
Thu Oct 26 13:38:34 2000:972563914:att:yrs326:yrs326:PASS
Thu Oct 26 13:39:01 2000:972563941:wps:mae:mae:PASS

I have narrowed the problem down to one particular unit, but I don't know
what setting to tweak in order to get the normal result. Please assist.


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