Viraj Alankar wrote:
> Hello,
>         I am inheriting AuthFILE to create a modified version. I have the
> following at the top of my .pm file:
> package Radius::AuthFILE_AND_LOG;
> use Radius::AuthFILE;
> use strict;
> use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
> {
>     @ISA = qw(Radius::AuthFILE);
> }
>         My question is do I have to implement new() if it will just be
> calling $self->SUPER::new() ? i.e. I don't need to change anything in the
> new() method. I have left it out of my file and everything seems to work
> ok, however is it correct to do this?

Yes, that's completely correct.

>         Another question is do my new handlers need to be copied to the
> Perl site lib directory under Radius or is there another location that I
> can place my additions? I would like to separate my additions from the
> main code if possible.

They should be installed with the rest of Radiator.  If you really don't
wnat to do this, you can make your own directory (wherever) and then
edit radiusd, adding inside its BEGIN {} clause:

        unshift @INC, "/path/to/my/modules";

This will add your module's directory to the search path.

Hope this helps!

- D

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