
IHAC who have the following requirement.

1. One group of user who are using dialup will be assign IP address
by radiator, since the RAS is bought from wholesale provider through

2. another group of user will be through ADSL which will be assign
IP address by radiator, but the IP address is fix to the user,
and the IP address info is stored in LDAP together with the user's
other information. The access server for ADSL is also bought
from wholesale provider through VPN by the customer. 

3. how can radiator make sure the ADSL user is using the IP
address that is assign to him/her, i am guessing the authentication
require user/password pair and in additional also require IP address
used, if any one of the two is wrong, do not give the customer 
access to the network.

case 1 is being done easily using MySQL and etc.

how can u configure the same radiator to do the case 2 and 3?

Swee-Chuan Khoo

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

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