
Can anyone suggest where or how I can find any information on how to use
radiator to preauthenticate users based on different service offerings.

ie:   Premium customers are authenticated every time (modems are always
All you can eat customers are authenticated based on the availablility of
modems  (set size modem pool)  and are subsequently given a different ip
subnet IP address.

It may be that I need my radius to pre authenticate based on
called_station_id .    What would be the best way to do this?     Is it
possible for radiator to check the called_station_id  number and then
determine whether there are modems available in a modem pool prior to
answering the call.?

Can anyone suggest what I should be searching for in the archives.

I am using a Cisco 3640 / 5300 access dial solution.

Is this possible?  or should I be looking at separating the NAS ports to
separate NAS's.



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