Dear Hugh,

What I need to know is how I could extract the REJECT reason from the
reply packet passed to the PostAuthHook by default. Is there a method that
I could extract this ?



On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Hugh Irvine wrote:

> Hello Samantha -
> At 12:39 +0600 01/2/14, Samantha Naleendra Senaratna wrote:
> >I've been developing a MySQL based authentication system for our users. We
> >are using Radiator version 2.14.1. I need to trap the reason for
> >authentication
> >  REJECTs. (for e.g expiration
> >date passed or session timeout ), and update the database to indicate a
> >status for each user. I was hoping to do this using a PostAuthHook,
> >calling a perl function.  This passes a link to the request object to
> >the PostAutHook. But I have been limited in this since I couldn't
> >find any documentation of the attributes (and methods) of each user
> >request object. Could you please help me on this. If anyone could tell
> >me
> >where to find such a documentation it would be very helpful to me.
> >
> I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "documentation of the
> attributes (and methods) of each user request object"?
> The best way to find out what Radiator is doing is to read the source
> code (radiusd itself and the modules in the Radius subdirectory in
> the distribution). Aside from that there is some information in the
> reference manual in section 17, and there are several example hooks
> that demonstrate many advanced techniques in the file
> "goodies/hooks.txt" in the distribution.
> Note that the latest version of Radiator is 2.17.1.
> hth
> Hugh

Samantha Naleendra Senaratna
Systems Engineer
Lanka Internet Services Ltd. Sri Lanka.

Tel: +94 1 565071
Fax: +94 75 535637

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