hi all

is anyone aware of problems like AuthBy identifiers (passed from Radiators
AuthBy clauses to custom code in hooks) being lost after a kill -HUP ? I'm
now using radiator 2.18 and I almost swear this kind of feature was working
a few weeks ago with a previous version of radiator, altough it may be kinda
hard to re-check now. relevant excerpts of the config and logs are below...
let me know if you need further data to recreate this situation.

thanks in advance

this is a trace excerpt of radiator after I kill -HUP and send a test
authentication packet (this stuff keeps getting repeated for each access

Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: Check if Handler  should be used to handle
this request
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler ''
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG:  Deleting session for usertest,, 1234
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got result for
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got DialInPassword:
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got IDLETIMEOUTNUMBER: 1800
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got FRAMEDPROTOCOL: PPP
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got AUTHSERVICEPROTOCOL: Framed-User
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got FRAMEDROUTING: None
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: LDAP got AUTHPORTLIMIT: 2
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT:
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: entering PostAuth hook
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: ERR: Error in PostAuthHook(): Can't call method
"bind" on an undefined value at (eval 145) line 32.
Fri Mar 16 19:17:55 2001: DEBUG: Access accepted for usertest

this is how my config file looks like:

##############################begin cfg file
LogDir /usr/radius/logs
DbDir /usr/radius/cfg
PidFile %L/pid.radius
Trace 3
AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646

include %D/clients.cfg

LogFile %L/debug.log
DictionaryFile %D/dictionary

    AcctLogFileName %L/radacct/%C/detail
    <AuthBy LDAP2>
    Identifier ldap_auth_id
    Host other_host
    Port 389

    AuthDN cn=admin
    AuthPassword whocaresanyway

    BaseDN ou=stuff,o=org,c=pt
    AuthAttrDef FRAMEDPROTOCOL, Framed-Protocol, reply
    AuthAttrDef AUTHSERVICEPROTOCOL, Service-Type, reply
    AuthAttrDef IDLETIMEOUTNUMBER, Idle-Timeout, reply
    AuthAttrDef AUTHPORTLIMIT, Port-Limit, reply
    AuthAttrDef FRAMEDROUTING, Framed-Routing, reply

    UsernameAttr uid
    PasswordAttr DialInPassword

#####end cfg file

below is an excerpt (relevant stuff only) of how the hook code looks like:

###########begin hook code
use Radius::Radius;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::LDAP;
use strict;

sub {
    my $dn;
    my $ldap_c;
    my $ldap_conn;

    my $p = ${$_[0]}; #this is the request object
    my $rp = ${$_[1]}; #this is the response object
    my $result = ${$_[2]};

    ####### # checking if user was validated ok first

    return if ($result != $main::ACCEPT);

    ####### # check which packet type we're dealing with

    &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,"entering PostAuth hook");

    my $code=$p->code;
    my $username=$p->get_attr('User-Name');

    if ($code eq 'Access-Request') {

    my $authby=Radius::AuthGeneric::find ('ldap_auth_id');
    my $ldap_c=$authby->{ld};

    $ldap_c->bind(dn=>"cn=admin",password=>"whocaresanyway") or
&main::log($main::LOG_ERR, "» LDAP problems on bind?");

    my $ldap_conn=$ldap_c->search(
    if ($ldap_conn->code) {&main::log($main::LOG_ERR, "» LDAP problems on
read?"); }

    #extra code here deleted for obvious reasons

    elsif ($code == 'Accounting-Request') {
    my $subcodetype=$p->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::ACCT_STATUS_TYPE);
    if ($subcodetype eq 'Start') {
    #yadda yadda yadda
    elsif ($subcodetype == 'Stop') {
    #all your base are belong to us
    else {
    &main::log($main::LOG_ERR,"--->Unknown Accounting Packet code
$subcodetype found\n"); }
${$_[1]} = $rp;
${$_[2]} = $result;

###########end hook code

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