Awright this is probably obvious but my brain is crystallized on this topic,
I'm not getting anywhere anymore.

I am trying to figure out how to:

Create config files that separate auth and acct into different instances of

    To do this it looks like I can create a radacct.cfg (1646)
    and a radauth.cfg (1645), giving the Auth config access
    to the SessionDatabase and the Auth database (both SQL),
    and having the Acct config access the Auth DB and
    The only problem I forsee is, how do I make the SessionDatabase
    high-availability? In other words, is there a way to replicate
    the DB INSERTs and DELETEs so that auth or acct radiator
    processes talking to MySQL can have entries simultaneously
    made in SessionDatabases on two different machines?  Since
    MySQL doesn't have any replication features built in, how do
    people accomplish this syncing?


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