Hi all,

I made some modifications to the AuthRADIUS.pm and maybe other folks can use

The first one is to choose beforehand which port is used for the forwarded
packets. I used OutPort as keyword and default value is 0 which causes
Radiator to use a random free port just like the standard AuthRADIUS.pm. The
reason for this modification is the strict filtering on firewalls or routers
between our proxy radiusserver and the final radiusserver.

The second modification is to ensure fast processing of accountingpackets by
sending a response immediately after receiving an accounting-request. This
is done using AccountingHandled in combination with a new keyword
IgnoreAccountingReponse. AccountingHandled takes care of the immediate
response and IgnoreAccountingResponse silently drops the accounting-response
from the final radiusserver.

Here is the diff :

>     $self->{OutPort} = 0;
>             'OutPort' => $self->{OutPort},
>        'OutPort'                    => 'string',
>        'IgnoreAccountingResponse'   => 'flag',
<            (0, Socket::inet_aton($bind_address)))
>            ($self->{OutPort}, Socket::inet_aton($bind_address)))
<               unless $self->{IgnoreReject}
<       && $p->code eq 'Access-Reject';
>               unless (($self->{IgnoreReject}
>       && $p->code eq 'Access-Reject')
>       || ($self->{IgnoreAccountingResponse}
>       && $p->code eq 'Accounting-Response'));


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